School Meals
From 1st September, for this academic year, the Government are providing every primary school aged child with a universal free school meal. Therefore this means that no payment needs to be paid for school dinners.
Although we cannot make provision for individual preferences, but we do offer a vegetarian option daily.
We will continue to check every child that joins our schools eligibility for Free School Meals.
School Dinner Menu
windrush thamesmead dinner menu november 2024 to march 2025.pdf
Packed lunches
If your child is going to have a packed lunch, the school will provide water on a daily basis.
We do not allow sweets or chocolate as part of a packed lunch. A healthy packed lunch could contain a sandwich or roll, a piece of fruit and a yoghurt. Please support the school by ensuring that your child's lunch is in a box or bag.
Lunchtime supervision
Children are supervised at lunchtime by Meals Supervisors.
If your child is absent for the whole morning session he or she should not return to school until after lunch, at 13.15. If, for any reason, you need to take your child out of school during the school day it is essential that you inform your class teacher in advance, either verbally or in writing. When you return your child to school, please report to the office or ask to speak to a Meals Supervisor, to ensure that your child is not left unsupervised.
Children may bring a piece of fruit for playtime and a bottle of water for drinking during the day.